Think You Can’t Afford Package Protection?
7 Items More Costly Than Loxx Boxx
Package Theft continues to grow in the US reaching a whopping $30 Billion in 2023 and impacting 1 in 5 households. Many criminals know that there is little chance of prosecution and marketplaces make it easy for them to sell their stolen items.
Existing solutions are expensive, inconvenient and ineffective. Package insurance through retailers or carriers is often over $4 per package and often requires a signature meaning you must be home for the delivery. Having a package sent to pick-up point requires a special trip or additional stop during your busy day. Your home security system does not really extend outside your home, and we all know that cameras don’t actually stop the crime.
There is new alternative that not only stops the theft but also guarantees results and it is affordable for almost every family in the US. That solution is Loxx Boxx.
The solution includes the largest anchored steel box on the market and solar panel that allows you place your Loxx Boxx virtually anywhere around your property. The solution includes a market leading access control system that is compatible with every carrier, controlled by our proprietary app. The Solution includes 24/7 boxx monitoring and our Safe Receipt guarantee. All of this can be purchased over 36 months with 0% interest, starting at $13.99 per month, less than $3.25 per week or less than $.50 per day.
So, Package Protection is less than:
- Lunch - $6.50
- Cup of Coffee - $5.56
- Gallon of Gas - $3.51
- Cable TV - $2.78 (per day)
- Soda - $2.49
- Bottled Water - $1.37
- First Class Stamp - $.68
If you choose to purchase the box, solar panel and first year of service up front, the cost drops to less than $1 per week. $1 per week to protect thousands of dollars of purchases every year. With the average household receiving 3-4 packages per week, the cost of package protection is less than $.25-$.33 per package.
What are you waiting for? Don’t wait to become the next victim.
Lock it up with Loxx Boxx!
TechHive - Editors' Choice Award
Don’t Have a Loxx Boxx?? Then How Do You Protect Your Packages?